Saturday, September 1, 2012

Washington DC

The bus journey to Washington was extremely event free, mainly because I napped most of it and, much to Mike's annoyance, kept leaning on his shoulder whilst doing so. DC was also a super short stay, we were there for less than 48 hours. Thankfully, all the usual sites were within a close proximity to another, so we managed to hit them all up in a short period of time.

The White House, Washington DC
The White House

Reflecting Pool, Washington DC
Reflecting Pool and Washington Monument

Lincoln and WW2 Memorials, Washington DC
Lincoln and WW2 Memorials

The whole time I was at the Lincoln memorial I just kept thinking about Forrest Gump's speech, and at the White House I kept thinking about Independence Day. Clearly the 1990's was a pivotal movie watching stage in my life. The Holocaust Museum was far and away the most eye opening and interesting of the free (thank you Smithsonian Institution) museums we visited, and has made me even more excited about heading to Poland and Germany in the next couple of months.

Natural History Museum, Washington DC
Natural History Museum

Washington DC

Capitol Hill and National Mall, Washington DC
Capitol Hill and National Mall

Stupidly I booked my flight out of Baltimore (much cheaper than DC, and about 45 minutes away) at 6:30am the next morning, so starting at 3:00am, I was on my way to the airport, firstly via taxi, then train, then bus. A delayed flight was only more irritable on a couple of hours sleep, as my plane was diverted to go via Atlanta to Nashville, instead of Cincinnati, but I eventually got into Nashville about 10:00am, ready to get acquainted with the South.

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